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Welcome to Nalc USA

Nalc USA is a volunteer, membership based non-profit organization based in California. We are a network of neighbors building safe and vibrant communities through the exchange of our knowledge, skill and time. For every hour that you help meet the needs of another member or associated organization, you earn one service credit. This credit can then be redeemed for various services provided by our members. Our core mission is to create a network of individuals that support and empower each other and strives towards being more interdependent and caring community. Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older.


Nalc USA Activities ...

Our members offer variety of services under the motto: "Mutual help among members, Whatever, Whenever, and However we can."

- Light housekeeping
- Light gardening
- Cooking simple meals
- Computer help
- Volunteer at a community center or health care facility
- Simple translation
- Sewing
- Pet care taking
- Talking companion, etc.


From New Member Welcome Packet: What do we do with “Nalc USA”?

Nalc USA  is a NPO established in California. Our associated organization "NALC Japan" has 136 branch places of activities throughout Japan with its headquarter office in Osaka and about 30,000 members. Anybody over 50-year old can be a member in Japan.

 A member who contributed services counting point/hour and saving the points like a bank saving account is eligible to use the saved points for not only himself/herself but also their own parents for free. It is going to celebrate its 20th anniversary next year.

Nalc USA requires its annual membership fee of $20/single and $32/married couple to be paid at the beginning of each calendar year. No refund upon separation.

Our main motto of contributing services and activities is “whatever we can”, “whenever we can” and “however we can”.

If you’re a member, and want, need and/or expect a certain service from Nalc USA, please contact the coordinator of your area. Then, the coordinator will look for a service provider for you. Before and after the service, both service provider and receiver should contact and report to the coordinator regarding the hours and points used. The district coordinator, in turn, will report the point usage to the assigned Member Point Administrator.

When joining Nalc USA, you’ll receive a set of documents of “Welcome to Nalc USA”.

Annual membership fee

Married couple: $32.00(2024)

Single $20.00(2024)

※Download Here
If you’re a member, and want, need and/or expect a certain service from Nalc USA, please contact 310-561-6486 or
Then, the coordinator will look for a service provider for you.

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